Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Should There Be a Winner In Or Loser In Ever Sport


           Does A Championship Game always need to have a winner or a loser? Yes they do. They are grown men if they cant take losing don't play the sport. By now they should of manned up and face the fact that they lost. If they cant deal with that they should go play a none competitive sport. Also if you are younger and you lose it a good life lesson that you can't win in ever thing. It teaches kids to have sportsmanship when they lose or if they win. Even though the person might of lost it teaches a lesson for the person who won and the person who lost. It its a life lesson to the person who won to be humble about their win. For the people who lost it teaches them that you can't win in ever thing and there is a person out there that is always better then you. Also it helps you next time to work harder and also to treat the people with respect. So there has to be a loser and there has to be a winner in every sport it doesn't matter what sport you are playing. This is my opinion on if there should be a winner or a loser.