Thursday, February 11, 2016

Stand Off

The book I just started is Stand Off. The person who wrote this book was Andrew Smith. This is the second book out of the two. The first book was very good I like it a lot. The second book is also a good book. But it doesn't start off fast. Its a very slow start it takes a little bit for the book to get good but the book does get good. I do recommend this book for who every likes sports and a little bit of drama.  
Image result for stand off book

Monday, December 21, 2015

Painting The New Black

Anthony Fabiano

The book I have just finished was Painting the New Black. This book was mainly about Ryan and his new friend Josh. They were going into there last year of high school. Ryan did not have many friends until Josh came along. When josh came along Ryan had more friends. Josh also got Ryan to do things he would not of done if josh wasn't there. Josh got Ryan to try out for the baseball team and do much more in the story. You find out that josh did somethings and Ryan has to make a dissension on what he should do.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Should There Be a Winner In Or Loser In Ever Sport


           Does A Championship Game always need to have a winner or a loser? Yes they do. They are grown men if they cant take losing don't play the sport. By now they should of manned up and face the fact that they lost. If they cant deal with that they should go play a none competitive sport. Also if you are younger and you lose it a good life lesson that you can't win in ever thing. It teaches kids to have sportsmanship when they lose or if they win. Even though the person might of lost it teaches a lesson for the person who won and the person who lost. It its a life lesson to the person who won to be humble about their win. For the people who lost it teaches them that you can't win in ever thing and there is a person out there that is always better then you. Also it helps you next time to work harder and also to treat the people with respect. So there has to be a loser and there has to be a winner in every sport it doesn't matter what sport you are playing. This is my opinion on if there should be a winner or a loser.                                        

Thursday, October 15, 2015

I like this character

In my book, I like the main character Corey i can relate to him a lot. He is out field and i am to. This book gets right to the rising action. You don't have to seat and wait. Also he has problems with people and family and I can relate. He is a very good player from the book. He deals with stuff most kids cant and i like how i can see how he gets these problems fixed and under control. This is why i like this character the best in this book.
Corey catching a fly ball.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Books are still good for you

 Strike three you out.This book is about baseball the sport i love the most. The book I am reading now is Squeeze Play by Cal Ripken JR, and Kevin Cowherd. The setting takes place in sea isle NC. In the book they use words like right field, dug outs, Batters box, Bleachers, This makes me believe that they are at a baseball field.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Books are good for you

Smarter, teaches me life lessons, and takes me places I can't go! and I can go on and on -Few reasons I think books are good for you and me. Books are good for us because they help us get smarter. They  help us get smarter  by giving me information about things i don't know or have never heard of. Also, I get to go and visit places I want to go but maybe never will Last but not least it teaches you a life lessons. It can teach you a life lesson because if your reading about someone you like you could learn something new about them, that can help me. That's why  I chose this title for my blog. Maybe you will benefit to sometime